Tech Tips Guidelines
We are seeking blog post submissions and ideas from artists interested in writing a short informative piece for us to publish on our blog
Here are some guidelines:
The blog post should describe an artist’s experience with particular art materials that we sell, and/or techniques that could be useful to our customers and add to our online resource for the art community. The piece could be about a process of discovery- how you found this material and realized its value to you in your practice, or it might be about a specific tip or trick of the trade, of your own invention or a tried and true classic. We are interested in your successes, failures and fixes, and are open to all media, styles and approaches.
Typically no fewer than three paragraphs. Some situations and materials may require a more detailed blog post, though keeping it concise and understandable is more important than length. It’s possible that a post might consist mostly of process photos with captions, and just a short intro and conclusion.
A series of photos detailing the process and materials used. Photos should be clear, well lit and taken with the subject completely in frame and as close to the camera as possible. We do not require ‘professional’ photos but they should look decent. At least one photo should be a ‘summation’ of the blog post, so it can be used as the featured image for the post. Photos should be delivered along with the blog post, and the file must be a jpg/jpeg or png
We like to include a brief artist bio and photo, as well as links so visitors can view more of your work, social media etc. Please include these with your submission
For every post that we publish a $100 Wyndham Art Supplies store credit will be applied to the author’s customer account.
If you are interested, and think you have something interesting to contribute, please contact us over email or call us at (519) 767-1317
We look forward to reading your submissions!